Fostering connections to build soil health and agricultural resilience across Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa & Sonoma counties.

What We Do

Field Trials and Demonstrations

The North Coast Soil Hub has supported establishment of field trials and regional demonstration sites to explore how management practices impact environmental health and model implementation of climate-friendly practices in vineyards.


Technical Services

Members of the North Coast Soil Hub provide trusted one-on-one guidance to agricultural producers as they seek to make environmentally friendly decisions and build and maintain soil health.



The North Coast Soil Hub is committed to providing regular science-based opportunities for farmers and ranchers and agricultural professionals to learn more about carbon farming and soil health.


Soil Health Database

Thanks to the development of the North Coast vineyard soils database, winegrape growers can receive custom soil health reports based on lab test results.


Principles of Soil Health


Keep Soil Covered

Soil cover provides numerous benefits such as erosion control, water retention, temperature regulation, beneficial habitat, weed suppression, and protection against soil compaction.


Maximize Biodiversity

Diverse plantings and crop rotations mimic our original landscapes. Above and belowground biodiversity are key to healthy, functioning agroecosystems.


Maintain Continuous Living Roots

Live root exudate is the primary food source for the soil food web. Incorporating cover crops provides food for soil biology, builds aggregates and pore space, and improves water quality, in addition to many other benefits.


Minimize Disturbance

Soil disturbance can occur through biological, chemical, or physical means. Disturbing the soil often disrupts the soil food web, depletes organic matter, restricts plant emergence, and creates conditions that allow for wind and water erosion.


Integrate animals

Returning livestock to the landscape can balance carbon to nitrogen ratios, manage crop residue, control weed pressure, cycle nutrients on-site, reduce livestock waste associated with confinement, and promote plant regrowth.

Fostering Community Sharing & Growth